Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Management questions

When you think of management, what comes to mind? How is your manager working to meet the company and your individual needs? If you are like a lot of Americans, the answers are not encouraging.


This article is trying to change that. If you are a manager, take a step back and look at your role, how you fulfill your responsibilities and how you interact and lead the people that work for you. Do you actively listen and engage to your staff and listen to what they tell you? Do you take an interest in them and their career and want to see them succeed? If not, then start to implement some of these questions and solutions into your daily activities. They can really help you gain a better understanding of your staff and your time. By empowering them and encouraging them they will be more likely to put in the extra effort for you and the company.


On the flip side, if you work for someone else, see what aspects of these you can implement for your own career success. Do you touch base with your manager on a consistent basis to stay up to date so there are no surprises? Do you offer to take on more tasks that are in line with what you want to do in the future? If not, then start having a conversation with your manager about your skills and how you can be better utilized to reach personal, department and corporate goals. You can’t expect someone else to care about your career growth if you don’t.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Words of wisdom

Warren Buffett is well known for his investment success and his frugality. He has crafted a life that has netted him billions of dollars and yet, he remains humble.


His phrases around investing are famous and he takes a very forward, simple approach to his businesses. Some of the people that he has influenced have taken the time to write about some of his phrases and applied them to everyday life. The following is a guide book for how to live your life, spend your time and make decisions. All of us could benefit from heeding this wisdom.