Wednesday, June 18, 2014


When you are trying to improve your performance, gain size or lose weight their are some thing that will help.
1. Follow a good nutritional diet. There is no replacement for eating right.
2. Proper training. Make sure your training plan is approriate and that you out forth the required work. 
3. Rest. Your body repairs itself with adequate nutrition and rest so make sure you get enough sleep. 

If you are training for a specific purpose there are additional things that can assist you, if the above are adhered to. The International Society of Sport Nutrition has listed these as apparently effective and generally safe:
Muscle building-weight gain powders, creating, protein, essential amino acids
Weight loss-low calorie foods, caffeine
Performance enhancement-water, sports drinks, carbs, creatine, caffeine, post exercise carb and protein mix

Depending on your goals, training, and nutrition, some of those supplements can help with achieving the goals. 

Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture

This morning I had the opportunity to assess a semi pro football player who injured his ankle. Upon exam he has a clinical picture consistent with an Achilles' tendon rupture. That got me thinking of the treatment options for these injuries and is surgical or non surgical treatment preferred?
I did some research and it appears that there is no clinical significance between surgical or non surgical treatment. Non surgical care has a slightly higher incidence of re rupture, but surgical has great her incidence if complications including nerve damage and infection. Both outcomes show improvement at 6 and 12 months but less than the non-injured side, as expected. 
Two treatments that seem to help regardless of surgery or no surgery are a functional brace instead of casting an early rehabilitation. 
Active individuals who want to return to activity may lean more toward surgical treatment. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

firms of endearment

I just finished this book and it was great. It is based on the premise of stakeholder centered management.
Companies can be very successful by putting their people, customers, suppliers and distributers at the forefront of everything they do. By estsblishing strong ties with these groups and working together to solve problems they have been able to create strong, successful brands and increase their performance.
By managing in a way that respects all they do business with, they have more people that want to do business with them. They maintain high quality standards that lead to increased sharsholder value.
Give it a read, it offers a different perspective to typically managed corporations.