Friday, April 24, 2015

Ivory tower marketing

If you are having trouble with your marketing plan it may be that you are not in touch with your target audience. If you do not engage in ongoing communication with your customer base, how can you meet their needs?


Running your marketing plan without getting to know your customers is not the most effective way to reach them. Sure, it may work in the short term, but it will not generate the interest and ongoing loyalty that is vital to growth and success. You may be one of the best in your fields, but if you lack the relationships with your customers then they will not purchase from you. Getting out and interacting with target audience where they are can help you gain a deeper understanding of their habits. What are the similarities in their purchases? Do they shop at similar places? Do they move in similar social circles? Where can you engage with them?


The best way to get to know your customers is to talk with them. If you show an interest in them they will respond in kind. They will know that you care about them as a person and do not look at them as a customer and just a source of income.


If you run your marketing from an office and rely on your perceptions of what your target audience wants, it can be seen as fake. People know when they are being talked at rather than being talked with. Marketing should be a conversation with your audience based on listening to what they want and need and offering solutions. If you are telling your potential customers what you think they want you could be missing the boat completely.


Take the time to interact with your base and really get to know them. Taking the time to nurture relationships will pay dividends in the long run through effective marketing, brand loyalty and referrals of new customers.

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