Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Management tips

If you are a manager, or aspire to be one, then you need to invest in yourself. Constantly learning and seeking to improve will help you reach your full potential. Entrepreneur put together a list of tips for managers. It is a quick read and worth the time.


Some themes emerged throughout the 32 pieces of advice from small business owners and can help you lead your own team:

1.       Hire good people, communicate clearly and empower them to perform at the highest level. When you have great people on staff who are encouraged to be their best, they will be. Just make sure that they know what they are aiming for.

2.       Watch your dollars. Business is about making money and controlling expenses. Make sure you understand where your business stands.

3.       Respect. In order to get respect, you need to give respect; to your employees, customers, suppliers, etc. When you respect others, they will return it.


While these are the themes, there are many other pearls and nuggets of wisdom that can aid you in achieving greatness.


Take a minute and read the article. Be prepared to be inspired!





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