What does it take to be a good leader?
It is not enough to be intelligent and a hard worker, you have to inspire others to work hard, too. It seems to me that there is a lack of good leadership these days.
People are getting so busy that they are focusing so much on themselves that they are forgetting about others. Take the time to have a meaningful connection with people, it will pay off down the road. Just showing others that you care and take an interest in their life will get them to trust you, and you cannot be a leader without trust.
You have to demonstrate that you have the interests of others on your mind and that you will work hard for them. When someone feels appreciated and knows that there is someone they can count on they will feel more secure and perform at a higher level.
In order to learn about others and what they have to offer and what their opportunities are it is important to listen to what they are saying. Do not count the seconds until it is your turn to speak, actively listen to what is being said and ask questions to ensure that you are completely understanding them. Afterwards, work on an action step. You had a conversation, now it is time to do something about it. It does not have to be a big step, but some sort of follow up is essential if there is going to be a change.
Guiding others and helping them aspire to be their best is a worthwhile endeavor. When you help someone else grow and prosper, you in turn grow and prosper. Nurture your relationships and help others be the best they can be.
Be honest. Communicate efficiently. When you talk with someone keep your comments brief so that there is no confusion and no muddying of waters. Having challenging conversations is not easy, but they are essential to make sure that there is no misunderstanding down the road.
Spending time perfecting listening, communicating and taking action will improve leadership ability and lead to being someone others want to follow.
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