Friday, September 27, 2013

Fitness anytime, anywhere

Do not let access to your gym dictate your workouts; with a little imagination you can achieve results anywhere.

If you are traveling or pressed for time try going for a run or a hike. This is a great way to burn some calories, get your heart up and soak in some vitamin D. If you need an extra challenge, kick up the pace for some intervals, run some stairs or choose the steeper trail. This will force your muscles to work harder and accelerate your gains.

You can also rely on an old standby for resistance when you're in a pinch; your own weight. Body weight circuits can be very challenging and effective for maintaining your strength with limited time. Try doing circuits for as many reps as you can in 4 rounds, or 20 seconds per workout:
squat jumps
alternate lunge jumps
plank to pushup
alternating lateral lunge
mountain climbers

You will be surprised how challenging that workout is and how effective it can be for challenging your body.

Now, get out there and have fun!

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