Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Social media guidelines in sports

As I have been reading more and more in the news, and overseeing the social media platform at work, it got me thinking of whether school, teams, clubs and franchises have any social media guidelines for their staff and players.

Each of the major sports leagues have different policies that vary league to league and the team may have additional policies on top of the league.

Similarly, the NCAA has rules, and the schools may have additional policies.

If you are in charge of social media at the school, or are a student looking to attend a school it is vitally important to understand what the code of conduct is for that school. Social media in its current form may not be here permanently, but we can be sure that the openness and ease of information will not be drying up anytime soon. With that in mind, make sure that what you  post is in line with the team, school or league that you are affiliated with and that it also reflects on you positively.

The link below is to the USC policy of its student athletes and it can serve as a good reminder of what should and should not be published on social media sites.


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