If you are thinking of starting a business, you know that you need to have a passion for what you do. Just don’t get too caught up in your passion that you forget to do your due diligence.
In order for a business to succeed it needs both a passionate leader and a plan. Passion without planning is futile. The preparation and thought that goes into understanding the market, supply chain, distribution and financing of the business cannot be glossed over. The planning of the business is what will keep it afloat and able to be productive.
When trying to get financing, passion appeals to the non-professional investor that will contribute via crowdfunding, but professional investors and banks want more proof that you understand the business and will not invest without a thorough plan. By matching your passion with a comprehensive and cohesive plan you will not only appeal to both groups, but you will have the outlet and the understanding to give your passion the best chance it has to reach its potential and achieve your vision.