Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Goal setting

Precision Nutrition put together an article explaining their coaching process and why they have been so successful.

They have developed a 2 part process to goal setting and attainment: breaking the goal down into skills and the skills into specific daily practices. To determine what those practices are they use another set of parameters: simple, segmental, sequential, strategic and supported. What this means is that whatever the larger, grander goal is can be broken down into specific skills that need to be either worked on or achieved and then putting a daily routine in place to attain those skills.

The best part about this process is that it can be used to reach any goal. This system is adaptable and applicable to a variety of arenas, not just for fitness and nutrition. By making the goal smaller and putting together daily action steps the skills necessary for attainment can be developed. Having some guidance and accountability in place is also helpful. Having some way to monitor and assess your progress is a vital component of goal attainment.

Give this a try the next time you have a big goal you want to accomplish. The daily application of small, dedicated practices can add up in a big way.

You can check out the whole article to see how it can be used with real world examples by clicking below.

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